More than 400 people filled the Brighton Nazarene Church on
April 16, 2015 to hear Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation speak about
the intrinsic value of each human life. This was the keynote speech during
Pregnancy Help Clinic’s 40th Annual Celebration of Life.
Mike Ervin, master of ceremonies and member of the Men’s
Team at Pregnancy Help Clinic, referred to Ryan’s life as “miraculous” because
Ryan was the product of rape, but his mother chose life instead of abortion.
Rape and incest are the two exceptions that even many otherwise prolife people
think should be allowed when considering laws restricting abortion.
Ryan was adopted at six weeks by a loving Christian couple
who ended up being the parents of three biological children and ten adopted, the latter of
many races and ethnic backgrounds. He and his siblings and adoptive parents are still
a very tight-knit group and proof that every human life has value. Each of
those children is a productive member of society, working to make this world a
better place.
Ryan and his wife, Bethany, are doing their part as
co-founders of The Radiance Foundation, an organization formed in 2009 that
seeks to inform the public about the value and “incredible possibility” of each
human life. The foundation strives to “illuminate the irreplaceable worth each
of us possess, educate diverse audiences about a myriad of social issues, and
motivate people from unawareness to positive action.”
Some of the issues the foundation tackles and promotes are
the racist and eugenic past of Planned Parenthood via,
compassionate outreach through Sally’s Lambs, which celebrates adoption “while
cherishing birth moms,” and “character development and community action” in Shine,
a branch of the foundation that aims to help people realize the value of “integrity,
honesty, hard work, faith, restraint, and service to others.” During the
speech, Ryan stated that more than 70% of African American babies are born to
single mothers, continuing a dead-end cycle of poverty and fatherlessness. The
Radiance Foundation seeks to combat that hopelessness by teaching that
traditional marriage is the foundation of a strong society.
For more information, visit The Radiance Foundation at
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